In the 19th century book publishers advertised their works in many printed forms. One commonly used was the trade card. Here is a great example from the 1880's. Edward Greey (1835-1888) wrote several travel books published by Lee and Shepard. First in the Trophies of Travel Series three of the six books were by Greey. Young Americans in Japan (1881), Wonderful City of Tokio(1882) and The Bear Worshippers of Yezo(1883)
Later these three books with new names- Young Americans in Japan, Y.A. in Yezo, Y.A. in Tokio were republished as the Young Americans in Japan Series. All of the books highlighted the adventures of the Jewett family and their travels in the far east.
The travelogue books were common and giant sellers for a number of book publishers in this era. The books were generally oversized (9 x 7 ) and were published with illuminated pictorial covers as well as in cloth with gilt trim and decorations. Other examples include the Zigzag books, the Knockabout Club, and the Boy Travellers.
These elegant books were well bound with numerous illustrations. Some examples of Greey's Lee and Shepard books are below.

Charles E. Brown , a Boston publisher, included the three Greey books in his 1892 Roundabout Series.
Greey wrote other non-series books published by Lee and Shepard. The Golden Lotus and Other Stories (1882) as well as A Captive of Love (1886).
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