The prototypical travelogue series for children was the Zig Zag Series written by Hezekiah Butterworth published by Estes and Lauriat. It may not have been the best written or the most accurate but it appears that it outsold the competition by a lot. Butterworth , his books and his series will be discussed in the future. This post is about the trade card.
Estes and Lauriat published the first three Zig Zag books in 1880 (Europe), 1881 (Classic Lands) and 1882 ( in the Orient). In 1882 it printed trade cards advertising the first three books of the series. There is a card for each book that features it individually on the front of the card.
On the reverse of the card the three Zig Zag books in addition to a Knockabout Club series books are advertised. There is also a trade card that shows the Knockabout book.
Each of the books were published in illuminated board covers or cloth with gilt designs. The trade cards show the former cover.
I have seen more Estes and Lauriat trade cards featuring books than I have any other 19th century publisher.

Here is a picture of the book featured on the trade card.
Interesting post and thanks for sharing. Some things in here I have not thought about before.Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written.will be referring a lot of friends about this.